Well according to sources and the fact it's splattered all over the Android websites like AndroidAndMe.com and Phandroid.com it's apparent that US will be getting our cupcake update finally over the next week or so. About damn time I say. I have been waiting for this since the news came out a week or so ago about the rollout starting but ended up only being UK and a tiny bit of the US.
Secondly, mAPPn has updated aHome. Full version users amoung other features now have an RSS widget. Why is this so great? Because now we can have rss feeds on our phone that is intergrated with aHome, also you'll all be able to get this site on RSS and follow the news/theme releases/whatever else that I post every day without having to come here all the time. Yes, that is blatant self-promotion but how could I not mention that.
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