Extreme Themes is a 3rd party theme developer of Free and Paid themes for DxTop, aHome and at some point Open Home. We do not have anything to do with the development of these apps and do not know when updates are coming or what features are next before anyone else unless the dev's themselves have posted it on their sites.

Website Moving

As stated in the featured content box, this website will be officially moving in the next day or so. It will remain online for about a week before it is completely taken down. You can find the new website - HERE -. I'll continue to add more and more features to it over time while I release more themes and other items such as icon pack and clock widgets and keyboard skins.

Back in Action

I am now back producing themes. Updates will be happening to all previous themes that have been released as well. This site however will be shutdown after a week or so as I'm moving it to a wordpress site. Until that site is complete though this will remain online. The new site will be located - HERE -. The new site is already online, it's just being filled with content. First priority after the new site is up will be updating all published themes as well as releasing new themes I already have completed.

In case anyone is actually wondering what happened and why the sudden leave of absence, it is because my wife gave birth to our new baby boy.

Problems, Important

Well due to certain events I will be un-publishing all themes that violate copyrights for right now. Not all my themes are affected however the ones listed below are:

Air Jordan
Xbox 360
Adidas Blue
Adidas Orange
Old School Nintendo
Texas A&M
Texas Longhorns

This will hopefully only be temporary and they won't be off the market for long. The listed themes will be taken off the market for now until things are worked out. Sorry for the trouble this may cause for anyone who was thinking of downloading them.

I also will be re-publishing the Air Jordan Fonts under a different name since Air Jordan is a copyright so it'll be named something else.

They will still be visible for viewing on here as a demonstration and so people can see them but there will be no access to them until things are worked out. Thanks for your patience.

Feel free to leave comments

Theme Updates

Starting this week the updates to all the themes I've released will begin happening. This will happen for all themes regardless of paid or free due to the cupcake update and new content being skinnable. Please keep an eye out for those updates and after those updates are completed new themes being released will resume once more.

Newest Android Market Apps



The Rebeldroid

Please make sure to read the FAQ and FSC if you are having problems with anything downloaded from the market or use with your G1 Android phone.


Feed Counter

If you are a theme maker for DxTop, aHome, Open Home or someone who runs an android related site and want to exchange links just drop me a note via email and we can do so. Please try to have some sort of small graphical picture to use as a link.

What should be my next DxTop Theme
