As you may or may not have noticed there's 2 new themes released for aHome. Slick Business (which has gotten a lot of interest, thank you!) and Xbox 360 which I just released today. I wanted to release this theme on the weekend but it wasn't just how I wanted it so it's out today instead.
Also there's a new poll on the right. Just answer yes or no. Yes meaning I should offer other payment options (thru this site) like paypal and/or amazon or something similar. However to cover the costs of this non-market buyers will have a slightly higher price (like $1.20 instead of $0.99) for paid themes. Please keep that in mind when you answer the poll. Unfortunately other payment sites have higher charges especially relating to mailing of products and their updates. Of course if anyone else has suggestions I'm all ears. This is really mostly for people who can't see paid apps yet (international users without paid apps available on the Android Market) but if you do get paid apps and would benefit from a different payment method by all means vote yes.
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